07 February 2011

I heart Palace of Versailles!

Palace of Versailles was the capital of France from 1682 to 1789 and it is located about 40 minutes train ride away from Paris city. We were there for a day trip and i loved it. I guess it must be due to the influence of the movie Marie Antoinette. The movie, released in 2006 was base loosely on the life of the queen leading up to the French Revolution. I love the movie and have watched it maybe 4 times?!? I am a sucker for movies from those era.
Anyway, i felt that i could connect better to the palace after watching the show cuz i got to see the actual venue which was filmed. The palace was a very tour friendly place and audio guides was provided for every tourist to the place for free! It gives me a better understanding of the palace tho at many times, i do get tired of concentrating on the explaination. The interior of the palace was really grand and pretty.

And the exterior and gardens were equally pretty! In the movie, it showed the queen staying at her own retreat and we got to visit it too. It was a longgg walk from the palace about 1 hour, i think, but i was glad that we took the stroll despite the cold freezing weather. Her retreat was a stark difference to the palace in its simplicity.
I wouldnt mind going there again, perhaps in the summer when the trees are green and flowers are blooming!

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