27 October 2009

toy sewing machine

saw a mini toy sewing machine @ suntec toy fair today! struggled a bit on whether to buy or not.

i wanted it to add to my miserable collection of sewing machines (which comprise of my bernina, a medium sized toy sewing machine & a small plastic one from slyvannian family series). but i know it will simply add to the clutter in my room. ever since i started to collect kawaii note pads, fabrics, craft books and stickers, my room's been getting messier.

anyway, didnt take long for me to decide to get it. so here's it ! :D its a set! sewing machine, iron, ironing board, hangers & measuring tape.

a closer look at the stitches. on the top, it looks good
the stitches on the underside's different from actual sewing machines'. well, its a toy machine afterall. will use it for paper crafting instead and hope it works good enuff too :D

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