14 February 2008

Friendships as i grow older

i seldom get in the mood for an essay like this on my blog but here goes. i've been experiencing something lately and feel the need to write about it. i wonder if most people experience this or is it just me...

as i grow older, seems like its harder to meet up with friends... friendships are no longer like the school days. back in school days, its fun to see your friends in school, in canteen, during lessons and its so easy to just yak away, and despite spending so much time with one another, there's always a topic to talk about excitely, to laugh about gregariously, to play happily and to lament about every other hour or even minute. and its also so easy to make friends and stay as friends.

but as the years flew by especially now that we are all working, somehow, it seemed that everyone just got busier and it just got harder to meet up and when we do, everyone just seemed to have to come late or leave early as they have something else to attend to. and appointments to meet up have to be made more than a week in advance. any impromptu invites are sure to be turned down in a sec because that friend surely has another appointment or work to attend to. is no one free out there to meet up anymore on an impromptu basis?

i was just lamenting to one of my guy frens and his comment was simple - "we are not the free-est, just tat we make the effort only" awwww... bingo! E.F.F.O.R.T. is the word! and if some can take the effort to meet up and keep in touch, why some cant? it takes two hands to clap and its sad to drift apart because we dont meet up - out of sight, out of mind. :( over time, friendships will fade...

so, would you clap my hand?

another fren of mine once commented " as i grow older, i have lesser time for all my friends and cant spend time with all of them" so by that, it means that over time, only the handful of friends shall remain in the inner circle of "friends i shall take effort to meet up"

so, do i belong to your inner circle? or would you invite me to your inner circle?

yet again, instead of indulging in this depressing thought, there's another angle to ponder upon - perhaps its just that as we grow older, our interests, our lives, our priorities changes and if that friend no longer fits into our lifestyle, its inevitable to be phased out. surely you do not want to spend your precious time with mis-fit friends. surely you want to spend time in a fulfilling manner.

so, just let it be. if we are meant to be, let it be. dont force it.


weihua said...

wa sei, i am quoted in your essay sia. hahahha
so sad meh? dont worry you can also call us whenever too cos we also have little real friends. hahahaha

Kayie said...

wahahaha, ok lor, next time we jio everyone out in our phonebook.