28 January 2008

doggy tag

i have 2 dogs - yuki and snowy. Both of them used to have tags to identify them in case they get lost. Somehow, snowy lost hers and i refused to do a new one for her because its too expensive - $20 for one miserable small tag.

anyway, one day, yuki got lost while Suparni was walking them and we spend an hour looking for yuki in vain :( then i received a call from a person who found Yuki! :D whew! it was lucky that yuki's the one that got lost - at least there was a tag to identify her.
since then, realised the importance of that miserable tag - rather spend $20 on it than to spend time mourning over the loss of any of them if it ever happens again. at least i have hedged the risk already
here's that $20 miserable tag

and here's my pretty doggies

1 comment:

Ciyou said...

your dogs looks cute~~

I guess will ask my dad to have a dog tag for the dogs at my home. We lost 1 dog b4, as he run away and we could not find him anymore. So sad